Providing access to opportunities and services
ViaPath supports efforts to give justice involved youth access to opportunities and services that can help them change the direction of their lives. By redirecting youth instead of incarcerating them, we can mitigate the stigma that follows them even after release and hinders efforts to find a safe place to live, obtain financial aid for college, get a job, or serve in the military. Justice involved youth need guidance and opportunities to move forward in life – to find confidence and grow into independent, contributing citizens.
Juvenile Programs
According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), approximately 25,000 youths are held in residential placement facilities.
Through our tablets, ViaPath provides juveniles, completely free of charge, a variety of reintegration resources to help reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for these young adults (ages 18-24). These free resources include:
- GED/HiSET preparation
- Over 1000 resources focused on Job skills, emotional intelligence, family connection, and establishing a supportive social network
- Over 2000 resources focused on 360-degree self-improvement (mental health, substance abuse, anger management, self-esteem building)
Juveniles have access to these resources post-release for an indefinite period of time, allowing them to continue their growth and development into productive members of society and their communities and stay that way.
Youth who participate in rehabilitative services focused on peer associations, substance use/abuse, aggression, and social skills show a 17% decrease in recidivism.

Diversionary Programs
Young adults, ages 18-24, represent 9.5% of the US population, yet account for 23% of all arrests.
ViaPath is proud to partner with court systems across the country on their Diversionary efforts to help offenders ages 17-25 break the cycle of incarceration.
ViaPath Technologies offers content to support and equip individuals working to avoid jail time and eventually have their records expunged. This support includes more than 500 learning hours and over 130 resources focused on job skills, life skills, and self-improvement, all available for free through any laptop or mobile device while they are participating in the program and beyond.
Additionally, through our second-chance friendly staffing agency, 2C Workforce Solutions, we provide these individuals with resume review and preparation resources, mock interviews, and appropriate clothing. Through our partner companies, we aim to provide gainful employment, including a full benefits package, to the individuals successfully completing Diversionary Court.
Doing this aligns with the suggestions from the Council of State Governments Justice Center to reduce recidivism and improve long-term success.